
Sunday 28 November 2010

Earn Money with Twitter

Let’s clear this right from the start: can you really make money with Twitter?

Yes! You can also make money with Twitter.

They are several ways to monetize a good Twitter account. The process is simple, but it doesn’t mean that you don’t have to work at all. That was the bad news, the good one is that if you follow a few simple steps then you have to work less than a half hour every day to cash in BIG TIME. And I seriously mean that. I will not share with you my paychecks, but I give you instead an

ABSOLUTELY FREE step by step guide on how to make money using Twitter

It takes at least one hour to carefully read trough and follow all the indications in this tutorial. Please stop reading if you think that the following 1-2 hours of your time values more than the money you could earn every month by reading every single line of this guide, and follow up on it.

Step 1: Create an attractive Twitter account

OK, stop laughing. I know you do. To make money on Twitter you need a Twitter account. Well, YES, but NOT any Twitter account. The key to success is in the attention to details. So I am going to teach you how to make a good Twitter account. Remember, this is the base for all the other steps, so spend a little bit of time and do exactly as I say.

Go to and fill in the form. Think before you fill in any BS information because what you enter here will follow you trough your entire carrier on Twitter. Yeah, yeah, I know you can change things later, but why not making right from the start, not to talk about an even more important fact if you want to make money: changing your name or username might result in loosing a part of your followers who will not recognize you anymore. So before you jump in to the action think on a woman name (not a celebrity!). It should be something common and it has to sound real, like for example Jessica Bradley. Then comes the tricky part: choosing the right user name. Twitter accepts usernames up to 15 characters long, and with a target of 26 Million users by the end of 2010, you really have to be creative. My only advice here is: not to use a field specific username, like jess-diet for example, which later will limit a little bit your possibilities to monetize your account (if you make a deal for example to advertise insurance products then jess-diet will probably not be a good username).

Once you have your account ready, go to your Profile, and then click Edit my profile. You will see a bunch of tabs at the top of your profile. First click Notices and make sure to uncheck every box because otherwise your inbox will be invaded by hundreds and hundreds of notifications from Twitter in no time. Then go to the Profile tab.

- One of the most important part of this section is to choose a nice picture. I suggest to use the picture of a nice girl you know and she accepts it. This picture should not be in any way offensive, it does not have to be adult content. Rather it should look like a serious, high class woman (you know, like a manager, secretary, or something like that). I also suggest to upload a picture only with her face, since images shown by Twitter are pretty small to fit the entire body in a visible manner.

- If you have a website you can enter it there (I don’t recommend this as the primary goal is to attract lots of followers, and by displaying a website you will be followed only by people who are interested in your website).

- At the Bio section, I suggest to type in something neutral (non-commercial), yet appealing. Good examples are: “open minded party chick”, “adventurous, intelligent woman”, etc.

- Now, a really important part. Go to the Design tab. Here you can select a theme, but I don’t recommend you that. Instead I recommend that you click the “Change Background Image” button below the themes. You will see that you have to upload your own background image. Now this is a little bit more complicated with Twitter, so you should use a FREE tool, which you can find here. On the main page of this website, click on Use WITHOUT signing in. After this step select a theme (I would use the blank one if I were you ). Then you are going to the editor and my advice is to upload two pictures, one to the left side and one to the right side of your Twitter. They are lots of options to play with at this point, you can try them if you want, but I am not going to write here about how to edit images. Once you have moved this images to their right location (right click on the image, and drag where you want it), you can save your work by clicking Generate Image. Once the image is generated click on Save, give a name to the picture which is ending in .jpg (for example jessica_twitter.jpg). Go back now to your Twitter account, to the Design tab in your Profile, click Change Background Image, upload the file you just created and check the “tile background” box. Click on save changes, and then click the Change Design Colors button under the same Design tab. You can select a background color here, which is matching the images which you have uploaded.

Congratulations! If you have made everything as described above, by now you have a very appealing Twitter account.

Step 2: How to schedule fully automated tweets?

OK, so you already have a nice Twitter account. But look is not enough. Your Twitter is just as good as your tweets are. I told you that you can make money on Twitter working less than a half hour every day. But how can you post tweets all day long without being at the computer? The answer is simple: TwitterFeed. I will explain you below exactly how to use TwitterFeed and how to get fully automated tweets day and night, every day of the week. At the first reading it might sound complicated, but don’t worry: it’s not. Once you have done this process a couple of times, you will be able to make everything described below in less than a minute.

First step is to go here. It is a very basic registration form, and once you have filled in you can immediately start working.

Create a feed. There is a simple trick to make this happen. First open a new tab and go to If you have a Google account then sign in, if you don’t create an account. Once you have this, fill in the form. In the first field enter a search term which you think will keep people interested in your tweets. It can be for example “financial news” (just an example). Then in the first drop down select “Everything”, in the second “as-it-happens”, in the third “Only the best results”, and in the last one “Feed”, instead of Email. Now click the create button, and you have your first feed. You can repeat this process as many times as you want to create any number of feeds. Now, once the feed is created you will see the orange feed button beside your feed. Click that, copy the URL, and at this point we are going back to

Back at TwitterFeed first you have to enter the feed name. I strongly recommend you to enter the exact search term which you used to create the feed in the name field, because if you start to make up names when you will have tens of feeds you will not be able to remember which feed where is connected. In the second field enter the URL which you just copied as explained a few rows above. Now we go advanced. Click on Advanced Settings, and set the following values for fields: at the update frequency set to be searched for new posts “Every 30 minutes”, and then the post up to drop down set to a value between 3 and 5. This way you have just set how many tweets you will display on your Twitter and with what time-frequency. The Post content field set to Description only, and make sure that the post link is unchecked (you don’t really want to post links to other websites from you Twitter for free; remember you are making this to make money). The Post sorting field leave as it is. Now comes the very interesting part. The following two fields are your money making fields. For the moment leave this empty, and I will come back later to these fields and explain you in details. Before we are going to use these fields you need to have lots of followers (I mean tens of thousands followers). Don’t worry, I have the magic formula for that too, just be patient . So now you have all the fields filled in, all you have to do is to click the Continue to step 2 button at the bottom of the page. You will notice that you will end up on the second tab of the process: “Configure Publishing Services”. Here it can’t be easier than this. Just click on Twitter, then click on the Authenticate Twitter button, enter your Twitter username and password if you are required so, and then click the Allow button. At this point you will be returned to TwitterFeed and all you have to do is to click the Create Service button from the bottom left of your page. You have successfully connected your Twitter account now with the feed, and every 30 minutes you will have tweets posted on autopilot.

A few more know-hows and notes. After you create a Google alert it might take some time until you start to get the feeds. Also, usually the first feed is a welcome feed, you might want to delete that tweet on your Twitter. Keep safe your TwitterFeed password too, because you will need that later. You can go back anytime to set up new feeds, or mark feeds an inactive if you don’t like the content they supply (by unchecking the Active field). You can edit all your feeds starting from your dashboard in TwitterFeed and you will have to edit them to add the all important money making prefix and suffix fields.

Congratulations again! By now not only that you have a nice Twitter account, you also managed to automatize the tweeting process. This way at any time your followers will see that you are active, and keep following your tweets. Wait, did I say followers? Yes, they are the key here. The more Twitter followers you add, the more money you will make. But how can you manage your Twitter followers when you have tens of thousands of them. And more importantly: how can you add many Twitter followers? Let me explain in the next step.

Step 3: How to get followers on Twitter?

So, how can you add Twitter followers? Well, it’s easy. You login to your Twitter account, search for a person, follow her/him and hope that she/he will follow you back. Then you come back a few days later and check if that person started to follow you, so if not you can unfollow her/him. No, that was just a joke. Remember, the goal is to have tens of thousands followers and that is humanly impossible to manage. You need a tool which can get more Twitter followers automatically, a tool that can help you to manage your Twitter followers, to automatize the follow/unfollow process, the messaging, and everything related to your Twitter account. And guess what? This tool already exists, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. This software is so advanced, that you can do literally everything on autopilot once you have made the necessary settings. I will not try to explain how this tool works, because not only it is easy to use and very intuitive, but they have a great support, including videos where everything is explained.

The “bad” news is that this essential tool it is not coming for free.If you want to use this great tool, you have to pay $29.95. The GOOD news is, that this is going to be your only and single investment, and let’s agree: starting up something so big with $29.95 it is next to nothing. You can use this software for UNLIMITED Twitter accounts also, and that way it will cost you $59.95. Since this is really an amazing software, I recommend that you buy the second version for unlimited Twitter accounts (it is actually cheaper to buy this, as to buy two licenses for two different Twitter accounts, and anyway the investment is still to nothing). Amazing, right?

So having that said, I just add one thing more: you can try to find on the internet other tools which automatize Twitter, but this one is really the all-you-need tool. So I continue writing this document in the good faith that you have already downloaded it, and started to use. If only I would tell you where you can get this software, right? OK, you can download it here.

Now I leave you to play around with this tool. Get familiarized with it, because this is basically your money factory. Then put it to work and from time to time check in to Twitter to see how your follower numbers are increasing.

And again: congratulations! Let’s summarize: you have a nice Twitter account, automated tweets, and you have more and more followers thanks to BirdyAdder. Now comes the fun part:cashing in. In the last step I will present you many tips to make money with Twitter; just pick up the ones you like and start making money. Or, even better, take all my advices, create many Twitter accounts, since with TweetAdder you can handle virtually unlimited number of Twitter accounts.

Step 4: How to make money with Twitter?

So far, so good. But all the “hard work” (meaning the 1-2 hours to go trough this document, and the few minutes every day you spent so far to get lots of Twitter followers ) and “huge investment” (meaning anything from $29.95 to $59.95 ), has to pay off somehow. After all, we have done all this to make more money. So here I give you a few tips of how can you make the most out of your Twitter account. At this point we will assume that you already have at least a few thousands of followers.

But before I can give you the tips, unfortunately we have to get a little bit technical. You remember step 2? I still owe you detailed explanation on those two mystical fields on TwitterFeed, which I called money fields. These fields are the Post Prefix, and the Post Suffix fields. What they actually do? TwitterFeed takes the feeds which you created with the Google Alerts and sends it to you Twitter, creating this way 3 to 5 automated tweets every half hour (assuming that you have made the settings as I told) for EVERY single feed you have created. The magic is that you can add automatically something to these tweets with the help of the Post Prefix, and Suffix fields. Whatever you enter in the Post Prefix field will appear before the actual tweet, and whatever you enter in the Post Suffix field will be added to the end of your tweet. Why this is going to make money? Because in the Prefix field you can enter something like “I recommend”, and in the Suffix field you can add for example an affiliate URL. Now you see? The possibilities are endless.

Before I explain you more, we have to get technical again. Twitter is about micro blogging, you only have 140 characters to tell people what do you want. This is why TwitterFeed limits the maximum number of characters at the prefix and suffix fields both to 20. So the only way to include URL’s here is to use short URLs. I recommend you to use as a URL shortener service. This again is absolutely free, and it really makes short URLs. Using URL shortener service has also a huge advantage: you can easily hide affiliate links: would look like Isn’t that amazing?

Finally, I give you the three best ways of how to monetize your Twitter account.

Affiliate marketing. This is the simplest way of making money. Let’s say you have 50.000 followers and you want to market a product or a service (let’s say for example a new antivirus software). So, what you have to do is to sign up to the affiliate program, shorten your affiliate URL with an URL shortener service, and create a few feeds about “computer safety”, “hackers”, “latest viruses”, etc. You add your affiliate links in the the Suffix (and/or Prefix) fields in TwitterFeed, and there you go: your followers will see your message every half hour. And they will always see a different message, making them to click to see what is going on. Now, did anyone told you to set up only one Twitter account, and only one affiliate program? Of course not.

Sell your advertising space. Now this one is big too. What you have created is exactly this: an advertising place. People don’t even realize how much money you can make when you only charge $2-3. How does it work? Simply. You advertise on eBay, Amazon, forums, social bookmarking services, or in any other place which does not cost you money, that you can send out anyone’s message to 50.000 persons for only 2-3 dollar. It seems small amount of money, but it multiplies a lot… you can make a deal to send out the message 150 times for $20 for example, and all you have to do is to create one TwitterFeed which sends out one post only every 30 minutes. Two minutes job. If you could make 20 dollars every two minutes, well… You tell me how does it sounds.

Sell your Twitter account. Why not? You can make anytime a new one. If you are clever you get the unlimited accounts version of TweetAdder, and this way you can make right from the start lots of Twitter accounts with huge number of followers. For how much you can sell the account? Well, this depends a lot of the number of followers you have, but for good accounts you can ask thousands of dollars. And remember, all this costs next to nothing for you, $27 for an unlimited number of accounts (see why do I suggest this for you?)

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